Thursday, August 28, 2008

#02, Penalties



- HDB can take summons action against residents if they don't care about the written notice from HDB to remove objects placed in a dangerous manner.

- If convicted, they can be fined up to $2000 (that's the max!). If they still don't remove the object(s), they can be fined further at $100 PER DAY, as long as the offence cont'ds!


- Residents who are convicted under the Penal Code for an offence relating to throwing of killer litter are liable to a maximum fine of $1,000/- or a maximum jail term of 2 years, or both.


- HDB may claim your flat or terminate the tenancy of the flat that you rented!

And... Something from Mr Mah Bow Tan

"Mah said a government campaign to educate residents apparently failed because of a series of incidents this year (2000), including the death of a five-year-old girl in April after being hit by a hurtling flower pot.

"When our words fall on deaf ears, it would be totally irresponsible for the HDB (Housing Development Board) not to react and do something to minimise the chances of someone getting hurt or killed," he said.
"The punishment is severe, I am not denying that. But it is harsh for the reason that we want to deter such offenders."


Hope you all understand now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More people should know about this.So it is either you make it more fun or add a wee bit more information.